コード MM34-01
系列 系列:Ⅲ. Cultural Perspectives
授業科目 英語文化論[アメリカ英皇娱乐]2
副題 (Narratives of the American Ordeal)
担当者 三浦 笙子
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 金3
対象学年 3?4年

 The search for identity is a literary theme that requires the hero to undergo an ordeal. American literature reflects a different kind of ordeal from the European in that nature serves as an active force in offering the American a special kind of ordeal and identity. We will read Crane, Faulkner and Hemingway in order to explore the development and Americanness of this cultural experience.
 Lectures on the theme of the course will be given at the beginning of class including the social and biographical background of each writer. Each student will read the work before the lecture and give a presentation on the assigned pages. Questions and class discussions will follow. A reading test will be given at the start of studying each work to check on how well you have read it. The final exam will be an essay exam.
 Stephen Crane, “The Open Boat” (プリント)
 William Faulkner, “The Bear.” Go Down, Moses. Penguin
 Modern Classics
 Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea
 To be announced as the content of the lectures demands.
 Do research to prepare for your presentations. Read every work carefully in English. Participate actively in the discussions. Take good lecture notes. Class will be conducted in English.
 Evaluation will be based on results of the essay exam, the presentation, active participation in discussions, and reading tests.
1.Introduction: The American Ordeal
2.Lecture on Stephen Crane and “The Open Boat”
3.Presentations and discussions on “The Open Boat”
4.Presentations and discussions on “The Open Boat”
5.Lecture on Faulkner and “The Bear” 
6.Presentations and discussions on “The Bear”
7.Presentations and discussions on “The Bear”
8.Presentations and discussions on “The Bear”
9.Presentations and discussions on “The Bear”
10.Lecture on Hemingway and The Old Man and the Sea
11.Presentations and discussions on The Old Man and the Sea
12.Presentations and discussions on The Old Man and the Sea
13.Presentations and discussions on The Old Man and the Sea
14.Presentations and discussions on The Old Man and the Sea
15.Essay Exam

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