By the end of the course, students will be able to: 1. Identify the phonetic characteristics of spoken language. 2. Describe different strategies used in listening. 3. Design listening activities for students of various levels.
The purpose of this course is to explore the mechanism of listening. The nature of spoken language and different approaches and strategies people use in lstening will be studied in detail. All students are required to read the textbook critically, give oral presentation of the assigned section, and actively participate in class discussions. Students also practice designing listening activities.
Second Language Listening: Theory and Practice. (2005. J. Flowerdew and L. Miller. Cambridge University Press.)
Gimson's Pronunciation of English. 7th edition. (2008. A. Cruttenden. Hodder Education.)
Assessing Listening. (2001. G. Buck. Cambridge University Press.)
Teaching Pronuniation: A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. (1996. M. Celce-Murcia, D. M. Brinton and J. M. Goodwin. Cambridge University Press.)
Preliminary reading and active participation in class discussions.
Attendance, reading assignments, oral presentation, and term paper.
1.Introduction 2.Approaches to language teaching (1): The grammar-translation approach, the direct-method approach, the audio-lingual approach, and the discrete-item approach 3.Approaches to language teaching (2): The communicative approach, the task-based approach, the learner-strategy approach, and the integrated approach 4.Models of listening 5.Types of meaning for listening (1) 6.Types of meaning for listening (2) 7.The nature of spoken language (1) 8.The nature of spoken language (2) 9.Learning styles and listening strategies 10.A pedagogical model for second language listening 11.Materials and the pedagogical model for listening 12.Preparation of Group Presentation 13.Group Presentation (1): Desigining listening activities 14.Group Presentation (2): Desigining listening activities 15.Group Presentation (3): Desigining listening activities
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