コード MG11-01
系列 系列:I. English Studies
授業科目 英米文学特講1
副題 (Discovery)
副専攻 M2
担当者 田嶌 淳子、他4名
単位 2
期?曜時 後期 木5
対象学年 1(B)?2?3?4年

 The term "Discovery" can be applied to many aspects of our life. We make a discovery about a person or about a literary piece when we come to see a new significance of an event, or when we obtain a new perception about a human reaction. Upon making such a discovery, we may feel surprised, happy, upset, disturbed, or even threatened, depending on the content. In this course, different professors will lecture on the theme of "Discovery" from both literary and non-literary perspectives. You are strongly encouraged to express your views in class as well as on our special online forum.
 Attendance, online assignments, term exam
1. Introduction (Tajima)
2. Discovering Words: Poetry in the Making (Yamada)
3. "Discoveries" in the Works of T. S. Eliot (Yamada)
4. Telling the Truth in Institutional Discourse
5. Discovering the Rules of Pronunciation (Sugimoto)
6. The Culprit Discovered (Tajima)
7. Finding the Treasure (Tajima)
8. Discoveries in Travel Writing (Fuse)
9. Irish Portals of Discovery (Fuse)
10.Round Table (All)
 The order of lectures and their titles are subject to change.

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